About Brooks and this Website Philosophy |

Brooks Jensen is a fine-art photographer, publisher, workshop teacher, and writer. He and his late wife (Maureen Gallagher) are the owners, co-founders, editors, and publishers of the award winning LensWork, one of today’s most respected and important periodicals in fine art photography. With subscribers in 72 countries, Brooks’ impact on fine art photography is truly world-wide. His long-running podcast on photography and the creative process is heard over the Internet by thousands every day. LensWork is currently in its 31th year of publication.
LensWork Publishing is also at the leading edge in multimedia and digital media publishing with LensWork Extended Computer Edition and the LensWork Tablet Edition — both PDF based, media-rich expanded version of the magazine. LensWork Online is a membership website with literally terabytes of online content including videos, audios, workshops, and inspiration for your creative photographic endeavors. Brooks' personal work can be seen in his on-going series, Kokoro, a PDF based, downloadable periodical.
Brooks Jensen is the author of thirteen best-selling books on photography and creativity: Looking at Images, The Creative Life in Photography, Letting Go of the Camera, the three volume set Single Exposures: Random Observations on Art, Photography and Creativity. His most recent books are Photography, Art, & Media; The Best of the LensWork Interviews. He is also the editor and publisher of Seeing in SIXES (four volumes published in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019), Our Magnificent Planet 2020, Our Magnificent Planet 2021, Trilogies 2022, and Light, Glorious Light 2023.
Two monographs of Brooks' personal photograph have been published: Made of Steel (2012) and Dreams of Japan (2021).
Brooks Jensen
Anacortes, WA
Contact Brooks
LensWork — www.lenswork.com |
Site Philosophy
The Website
This website is about life — specifically using photography and media to explore the world.
At least my little corner of it.
I think and work in projects. The website is organized this way, too.
I hope you'll also find meaningful things, useful things, moving things, fun things. Thanks for stopping by.
The Work
In terms of media, you'll find photography, audio, video, text; single images, folios, and downloadable PDFs; short things, long things; free things, things for sale; collectible things, and disposable things.
Be sure to check out the PDF Publications page and the Kokoro page. Digital books in the form of PDFs you can download and view on your computer using the free Acrobat Reader.
The Free Downloadable Contents
photography websites are electronic brochures — lots of pictures,
organized by category, with prices. They are pixel galleries meant
to entice you to the "real" thing - the collectible, purchasable,
The downloadable content
on this website is not that.
think of the downloads as well, a library — a resource, a
bookstore without price tags, a place where you can find, "take home" and then keep on your hard drive a full photographic project —
for free. Actual content. The thing itself. Like books without
paper. Finished artwork.
The downloadable projects
scattered throughout this website are not "electronic reproductions" of the real,
physical artwork. They are the originals themselves. Typically, these are Acrobat PDF files — a format I find ideal for my artwork. A given title
may contain images, text, video, audio. More importantly, my hope is
that they contain an emotion, a reaction, a revelation, a thought, a
mood, a question, a connection.
It's best to download the file in its entirety and view offline,
direct from your computer's hard drive. I strive to make the files
a reasonable size, but they are larger than the typical
quick-loading webpage — for which I make no apologies. My
intention is not to compromise on quality or content for the sake of
speed. Here are some instructions that might help.
Originals for Sale
Every artist has
a responsibility to fund their own art — at least I think so. I
don't rely on grants or the good will of donations. I do offer my
work for sale — at "real people" prices. Artwork that cannot be
owned cannot stay alive.
In most projects
you will find individual prints, folio sets of prints, handmade artist's books known as "chapbooks," and other goodies for sale you might be interested in.
Most of my new printed work
is now pigment on paper. Here is why.
I still do have some gelatin silver prints as well as some Polaroid prints. Inquiries welcome via email.
The PDFs are all Adobe Acrobat version 6, 7 or greater. They cannot be viewed with versions earlier than Acrobat version 6. They can be view with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or the full Acrobat program.
Videos are all in the standard MP4 format. You probably already have by default an appropriate player software to access the videos.
Audio files are all MP3 format.